The quickest month of the year - it disappeared in a flash. Here’s what I got up to and a preview of what’s planned for March.
Read MoreYou’ll find blogs posts on all sorts of topics. Books I’ve read, places I’ve been, events I’ve attended, things I’ve done, people I’ve met or thoughts that cross my mind. There’s something for everyone.
The months are whizzing by and continue to be action packed. How was October for you?
Read MoreWe all, each and every one of us, have a strong fundamental need to feel safe and secure in life. We need to feel physically safe, financially safe and emotionally safe. Wanting to feel safe and secure has nothing to do with ‘being insecure’ – it’s just human. We all have needs, and that’s normal.
But if we feel insecure out of context, when there is no real threat and our feelings really stem from our own history of being rejected, cheated on, or feeling abandoned, then the insecurity itself can become the problem.
This step helps you deal with insecurity in relationships.
Read MoreIn this step 6 we explore why continually seeking approval can be counter productive
Read MoreIn this next blog I talk about the pitfalls of always comparing yourself with others and how social changes over the last 100 years or so has changed social behaviours.
Read MoreStep 3 - stop self blame. Excessive self-blame goes hand in hand with low self-esteem
Read MoreHave you experienced being confident in your preparations and then as the big day approaches it all just seems to crumble away? You can do something to manage that.
Read MoreCan the mind create real injuries? In what other ways can you get in your own way?
Read MoreWe all have self-talk, pretty much all of the time. Sometimes we have positive self-talk, sometimes it’s negative. Just in the same way that if someone else tells you in no uncertain terms about all your flaws, you are likely believe some or all of it, the words you use with your own self-talk will have an impact on your day to day life, business performance, sports performance or self-belief.
The way we react to setbacks or pressure is often dictated by the language we use in our self-talk.
Can you change the self-talk? Yes, you absolutely can. Do this and your working / sporting performance will improve, your confidence will increase, anxiety levels will reduce and you’ll simply have more fun!
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